AI and Blockchain development company

Fostering innovative solution to challenging problems. We work with various size of enterprises to rapidly deploy solution for faster go to market needs.

Upcoming Event
Meet us at Global AI Show Dubai Apr 16-17, 2024. Grand Hyatt Dubai

Our Offerings

AI Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Generative AI Development

We provide generative AI development services that entail building intelligent AI systems capable of creating new content, designs, and ideas. We utilize advanced algorithms to train machines to create original and innovative outputs that can drive growth.

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Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Software Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Our Offerings

AI Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Generative AI Development

We provide generative AI development services that entail building intelligent AI systems capable of creating new content, designs, and ideas. We utilize advanced algorithms to train machines to create original and innovative outputs that can drive growth.

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Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Software Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Industries we work with

We offer something more intuitive than intuition
Learn how we help companies use their data to make smarter business decisions and increase their revenue

AI Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Web3 Development

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Software Devlopment

Our AI development services help businesses innovate and grow sustainably with the power of technology and human insight. With our hybrid intelligence methodology, we help companies transform and stay ahead in a constantly changing world.

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Platform for Learning and Teaching
  • Collaborative Education
  • Fully Configurable LMS Platforms
  • Adaptive Learning Engines
Interactive Learning Experiences
  • AI generated cross-Platform Content Development
  • Mobile Learning
Data Analytics for Educational Institutions
  • Predictive Analytics and Reporting
  • Data Processing
  • Customizable Content Engineering


AI-enabled Fintech Solutions
  • Generate simplified human readable report from platform sources
  • Actionable recommendation from market and platform data
  • Faster issue resolution for better user engagement
Blockchain enabled Financial solution
  • Automate tasks for executing transactions
  • Recording immutable transaction and status
Digital Wallet Development
  • Complete wallet ecosystem
  • Voice based transaction approval

Retail & ECommerce

Customer Advice and Recommendations
  • Pricing, delivery time and others based recommendations
  • Image and description based search
  • Automated web content and reviews translations
Predictive Intelligence
  • Predictive insights from multiple sources to manage inventory
  • Feedback loop from post-sales and marketing
Content Classification
  • Generative AI based product description generation
  • Content classification based on product images, text and videos
  • Customer-Merchant communication automation


Medical Data Privacy
  • Patient data privacy controlled by patients
  • Patient online-offline streamlined engagement
  • Remote patient monitoring
Protect Drug Counterfeit
  • Blockchain based transparent record of entire supply chain
  • Track and trace, verify and manage recall of drugs
IoT Based Healthcare
  • Health data Collection on blockchain for single source of truth
  • Generate valuable insight using AI
  • Identify patterns and anomalies in patient data

Enterprise Solution

Sales and Marketing - Smart Contract Management
  • Generate rules and actions based on contract terms
  • AI to standardise general contracts with local regulations
  • Automate execution based on fulfilled conditions of contract
Operation - Process Optimization
  • Enhance risk management using AI to detect potential fraud
  • AI to identify repetitive task and blockchain to execute
HR and Support - Enhance knowledge base using AI
  • Enhance knowledge base for personalised learning
  • Automate for faster and personalised support
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