
AI Development

Leverage Our AI Development Services to Create Next-generation Enterprise Solutions

Enhance your business performance with our data-driven AI solutions crafted leveraging advanced AI technologies like deep learning, machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing. 

Use cases

Platform for Learning and Teaching
  • AI based adaptive Learning content
Data Analytics for Educational Institutions
  • Predictive Analytics and Reporting
Retail & ECommerce
Customer Advice and Recommendations
  • Pricing, delivery time and others based recommendations
  • Image and description based search
Content Classification
  • Customer-Merchant communication automation
AI-enabled Fintech Solutions
  • Automate tasks for executing transactions 
Digital Wallet Development
  • Voice based transaction approval
IoT Based Healthcare
  • Generate valuable insight using AI
  • Identify patterns and anomalies in patient data
Enterprise Solution
Sales and Marketing - Smart Contract Management
  • AI to standardise general contracts with local regulations
  • Automate execution based on fulfilled conditions of contract
Operation - Process Optimization
  • Enhance risk management using AI to detect potential fraud
  • AI to identify repetitive task and blockchain to execute
HR and Support - Enhance knowledge base using AI
  • Automate for faster and personalised support
Platform for Learning and Teaching
  • AI based adaptive Learning content
Data Analytics for Educational Institutions
  • Predictive Analytics and Reporting
AI-enabled Fintech Solutions
  • Automate tasks for executing transactions 
Digital Wallet Development
  • Voice based transaction approval
Retail & ECommerce
Customer Advice and Recommendations
  • Pricing, delivery time and others based recommendations
  • Image and description based search
Content Classification
  • Customer-Merchant communication automation
IoT Based Healthcare
  • Generate valuable insight using AI
  • Identify patterns and anomalies in patient data
Enterprise Solution
Sales and Marketing - Smart Contract Management
  • AI to standardise general contracts with local regulations
Operation - Process Optimization
  • Enhance risk management using AI to detect potential fraud
HR and Support - Enhance knowledge base using AI
  • Automate for faster and personalised support

Our Process 

Define Problem statement and Collect Data

The first step in the AI development process is to define the problem that needs to be solved. This involves identifying the business problem and understanding the scope of the project. Once the problem has been defined, the next step is to collect and prepare the data that will be used to train the AI model. This data must be representative of the problem being solved and must be cleaned and pre-processed to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Consult and select appropriate model

The second step in the AI development process is to choose the appropriate AI algorithm that will solve the problem based on the data that has been collected. There are many different AI algorithms to choose from, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Once the algorithm has been selected, the next step is to train the AI model using the data and algorithm that has been chosen. This step involves feeding the data to the algorithm and adjusting the model parameters until it can accurately predict outcomes.

Test and validate the model

The third step in the AI development process is to test the accuracy and performance of the AI model using a separate dataset that was not used during the training process. This step is important to ensure that the AI model is effective in solving the problem and is able to provide accurate and reliable predictions. Once the model has been validated, the next step is to deploy it in a real-world environment.

Deploy and Maintain the model

The fourth and final step in the AI development process is to deploy the AI model in a real-world environment and integrate it with existing systems and processes. Once the model has been deployed, it is important to monitor its performance over time and make necessary adjustments to ensure continued accuracy and relevance.

Why Dextrai

Expert AI Professionals

Trust the expertise and deep tech background of the best minds at Dextrai to steer you through the complexities of GenAI implementation through effective development approaches and strategic advice.

Extensive Experience in AI

With a wealth of experience in AI development, Dextrai is your trusted technology partner. Our track record showcases a diverse array of successfully built AI solutions underpinned by a profound knowledge of AI technologies. From recommendation systems to chatbots, our expertise spans a wide spectrum.

We Prioritize Security

As we build and implement your AI projects, we prioritize security at every step. Our team meticulously follows industry-leading practices to ensure your data, algorithms, and AI systems are fortified against potential threats, and you can innovate with confidence, knowing your AI solutions are protected.

End-to-end AI Development

We begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your goals and requirements, develop an AI solution and tailor it to your specific needs, and then rigorously test and refine it until perfection. We then seamlessly integrate it into your existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of AI across your operations.

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