
WEb3 Development

As an experienced web3 development company, we design and develop interactive web3 solutions using blockchain, AI and cryptography technologies. With expertise in web3 tools, frameworks, APIs and programming languages like Rust, Hyperledger, Corda & Solidity, our developers cater to diverse industries, from smart contract and fintech.

Use cases

Platform for Learning and Teaching
  • AI based adaptive Learning content
Data Analytics for Educational Institutions
  • Predictive Analytics and Reporting
Retail & ECommerce
Customer Advice and Recommendations
  • Pricing, delivery time and others based recommendations
  • Image and description based search
Content Classification
  • Customer-Merchant communication automation
AI-enabled Fintech Solutions
  • Automate tasks for executing transactions 
Digital Wallet Development
  • Voice based transaction approval
IoT Based Healthcare
  • Generate valuable insight using AI
  • Identify patterns and anomalies in patient data
Enterprise Solution
Sales and Marketing - Smart Contract Management
  • AI to standardise general contracts with local regulations
  • Automate execution based on fulfilled conditions of contract
Operation - Process Optimization
  • Enhance risk management using AI to detect potential fraud
  • AI to identify repetitive task and blockchain to execute
HR and Support - Enhance knowledge base using AI
  • Automate for faster and personalised support
Platform for Learning and Teaching
  • AI based adaptive Learning content
Data Analytics for Educational Institutions
  • Predictive Analytics and Reporting
AI-enabled Fintech Solutions
  • Automate tasks for executing transactions 
Digital Wallet Development
  • Voice based transaction approval
Retail & ECommerce
Customer Advice and Recommendations
  • Pricing, delivery time and others based recommendations
  • Image and description based search
Content Classification
  • Customer-Merchant communication automation
IoT Based Healthcare
  • Generate valuable insight using AI
  • Identify patterns and anomalies in patient data
Enterprise Solution
Sales and Marketing - Smart Contract Management
  • AI to standardise general contracts with local regulations
Operation - Process Optimization
  • Enhance risk management using AI to detect potential fraud
HR and Support - Enhance knowledge base using AI
  • Automate for faster and personalised support
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